As Bodywork sessions I mainly offer Somatic Coaching. In these sessions, touch is used to initiate and support sustainable changes in your physical sensation, your feeling and your thinking.
As Bodywork sessions I mainly offer Somatic Coaching. In these sessions, touch is used to initiate and support sustainable changes in your physical sensation, your feeling and your thinking.
Besides that you can book me for a variety of Massages. The massage sessions mainly aim for an increased sense of wellbeing, a feeling of being present in your body and relaxation.
A session in Somatic Coaching with the Pantarei Approach includes different forms of touch combined with breathing and movement exercises. The intensity and the intention of the applied touch varies hugely, depending on your wishes and your physical emotional state.
At the same time we work with verbal instructions. How does this touch feel? What does it do? What do we learn from the reaction of your body? Does it bring up emotions, images, memories? Following these questions we develop a dialog that leads us further.
Guided by empathetic touch within a protected environment and an atmosphere of acknowledgement and expansion, you can allow yourself to make space for contradicting thoughts, sensations and feelings.
Most of the time an immediately noticeable result is directly tangible. For instance a deeper relaxation, a sense of wholeness or connection, increased physical presence, clarity, calmness or grounding. Together we can explore what is needed to make these results sustainable. Read here is what my clients say about their sessions.
As Pantarei practitioner I work according to the Code of Ethics und Professional Conduct
I offer a variety of different Massages: Intuitive Thai Meridian Massage, Lomi Lomi, Fussreflexology, Esalen Inspired Massage. A relaxing, grounding and at the same time energising experience
Intuitive Thai Meridian Massage combines the traditional ancient Thai healing massage with elements from Ayurveda, Yoga and dynamic Ostheopathie. The massage is conducted while lightly dressed on a comfortably padded floor mat.
The Esalen inspired whole body massage is best known for its long flowing strokes and quality of touch/contact. It integrates many techniques, including soft rocking, passive movement and joint mobilisation, stretching and deeper work on specific parts of the body.
My Footmassage is based on techniques from the Grinberg Method and can have a stimulating and healing effect on the whole body. Pressure is applied to specific reflex points on the foot that correspond to organs and areas of the body. The treatment is said to induce a healing response, even alleviating some ailments
Lomi Lomi Massage is a traditional Hawaiian whole body Massage with a lot of oil. It uses not only the hands but also the forearms and the elbows.
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