

Workshops and Group Activities

Workshop Queer Sensitivity

Once a year, together with Bodyworker Benjamin Block I facilitate the Workshop Queer Sensitivity for queer people in Kreuzberg. The next date is the 27th of April, 2024

Evening of Touch

About twice a year I facilitate a workshop in the series “Regenerative Touch” curated by Bodyworker Axel Nielsen at the Village. The next date is the 17th of June 2024.

Esalen inspired Massage

Every year I facilitate a Workshop Esalen inspired Massage at the Village for GBTQ men* for gay, bi, trans and queer men* and people who identify somewhere on a gender-fluid male-to-non-binary spectrum.

Stretch Festival

As a facilitator I am often part of the Stretch Festivals in Berlin for GBTQ men* and people who identify somewhere on a gender-fluid male-to-non-binary spectrum.

New Years Retreat

Every year Michael Rolnick and me facilitate the Authentic Eros New Years’s Retreat at the Village for GBTQ men* and people who identify somewhere on a gender-fluid male-to-non-binary spectrum

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