By submitting this form you agree to us storing your data and information in order to handle your request. Please also note our privacy policy.
Just fill in the form and I will come back to you quickly.
Unfortunately, at the moment I do not have capacity to take in new clients.
If you want, I can put your name on the waitinglist
By submitting this form you agree to us storing your data and information in order to handle your request. Please also note our privacy policy.
My working space is located at Kolberger Str. 6 in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen (Wedding). It is on the 4th floor, unfortunately there is no elevator.
Kolberger Strasse 6
13357 Berlin
S- and U-Bahnstation Wedding circle lines S41/S42 and line U6
S-Bahnstation Humboldthain lines S1 and S2, S25, S26
Busline M27 “Nettelbeckplatz”
I apply a sliding scale in which you can pay between 70€ and 110€ per session. You can choose the amount fitting your budget. Unfortunately, the costs are not covered by statutory health insurances. If you have a private insurance or a Heilpraktiker-Versicherung, the costs are refundable.
You can pay cash or by money transfer. In any case, I will write an invoice.
Please cancel your session within a 48h notice, otherwise I will have to charge the full price. Sessions can be held in German, English and Dutch
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