
Trauma Healing

Heilpraktiker J. Stechmann
Somatic Experiencing in Berlin Jochen Stechmann

Trauma Therapie in Berlin Wedding

Welcome to my Website. My name is Jochen Stechmann and I am an Alternative Health Practitioner (Heilpraktiker). I offer traumatherapy with NARM and Somatic Experiencing in my workspace in Berlin Gesundbrunnen (Wedding).

My working method is based on strong empathy. I deeply trust into the ability of the body and the nervous system to intuitively balance itself when given the right kind of respectful support. A lot of my clients* identify as LGBTQ+.

Somatic Experiencing and NARM

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders. The aim is to restore the nervous system’s natural ability to regulate itself. Therefore, the energy held in the ‘frozen’ state is released in small, carefully monitored steps. 

NARM (Neuro Affective Relationship Model) is a cutting-edge model for addressing attachment, relational and developmental trauma, by working with the attachment patterns that cause life-long psychobiological symptoms and interpersonal difficulties. NARM emerged out of earlier psychotherapeutic orientations including Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Attachment Theory, Cognitive Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, and Somatic Experiencing®, and bridges traditional psychotherapy with body-mind approaches within a context of relational practice.

More about me


I grew up in a village in Northern Germany. When I was 24, I decided to quit my studies in mathematics, move to the Netherlands and become a contemporary dancer. Subsequently I worked for 15 years in the Netherlands in the field of dance and theatre. At the same time I was busy as a Hatha yoga teacher and Pilates Instructor.


Through dance-related physical wear-and-tear, I came by chance into contact with Somatic Bodywork and was instantly hooked I moved to Berlin and started training as practitioner of the Pantarei Approach and the Grinberg Method. Then in 2017 I started taking sessions in Somatic Experiencing and became really passionate about it.

Trauma Therapy

Since 2021 I am a certified practitioner in Somatic Experiencing (SEP), a body-centered approach to healing Trauma developed by Peter Levine. Working as SEP fills me with gratitude and humbleness. Witnessing my clients ability to overcome challenges and connect to their core life energy has been an ever surprising road until now. Since 2023 I am a certified NARM practitioner as well.

Besides working as a therapist, I facilitate group workshops in somatics, forms of touch and awareness.In my work I attach great importance to humour, precision, respect and trust, using elements from my background  – Dance, Pilates, Yoga and mathematical thinking.

I identify as queer and prefer to be addressed with gender neutral pronouns.


Postgraduate Trainings

  • From Survival Mode to the Existential – SE Training – Peter Levine 2020
  • Coherence and Inner Peace – SE Training- Peter Levine 2021
  • The Eye of the Needle- 3 Module SE Training – Peter Levine 2022
  • SE touch – Anne Janzen 2023
  • Essential Strategies for Healing Sexual Trauma and Sexuality – Ariel Giarretto 2024
  • Transgenerational Trauma – Heike Gattner 2024

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