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Online Sessions

During the Corona Pandemic, I started giving some online sessions. And to my surprise, they were very effective and helpful. In a video-chat we can explore together, which of your resources can support you in what way at this moment. Body-oriented tools from Somatic Experiencing, Bodywork, Mindfulness and Yoga can help you to improve your ability for self regulation. As a result, you will feel better equipped to meet the challenges of these insecure times. Please contact me if you are interested.

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    Somatic Experiencing - Trauma Therapy

    Somatic Experiencing is a holistic and body based approach for Trauma-Healing, developed by Peter A. Levine. Sessions involve a client tracking their own experience – physical sensations, emotions, arising thoughts and images.

    In the sessions you will learn to stay more present, in connections with yourself and your body. The intention of this process is to reinforce your inherent capacity to self-regulate. It is done in very careful, small steps.

    Yes, I would like to receive a session Somatic Experiencing

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      I offer a variety of different Massages: Intuitive Thai Meridian Massage, Lomi Lomi , Fussreflexology, Esalen Inspired Massage. A relaxing, grounding and at the same time energising experience

      Intuitive Thai Meridian Massage combines the traditional ancient Thai healing massage with elements from Ayurveda, Yoga and dynamic Ostheopathie. The massage is conducted while lightly dressed on a comfortably padded floor mat.

      The Esalen inspired whole body massage is best known for its long flowing strokes and quality of touch/contact. It integrates many techniques, including soft rocking, passive movement and joint mobilization, stretching and deeper work on specific parts of the body.

      My Footmassage is based on techniques from the Grinberg Method and can have a stimulating and healing effect on the whole body. Pressure is applied to specific reflex points on the foot that correspond to organs and areas of the body. The treatment is said to induce a healing response, even alleviating some ailments.

      Lomi Lomi Massage is a traditional Hawaiian whole body Massage with a lot of oil. It uses not only the hands but also the forearms and the elbows.

      Yes, I would like to receive a Massage.

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        Other Activities

        Queer Sensitivity

        Twice a year, together with Bodyworker Benjamin Block I facilitate the Workshop Queer Sensitivity in Kreuzberg.

        Evening of Touch

        Each last Thursday of the month I facilitate an Evening of Touch for GBTQ men at the Village in Berlin. Restarting in September 2021

        Stretch Festival

        On a regular base I am involved in the organisation of the Stretch Festivals for GBTQ+ in Berlin.

        New Years Retreat

        From 28.12.2021 until 1.1.2022 Michael Rollnick and me facilitate the Authentic Eros Neujahrs Retreat for GBTQ+ men at the Village in Berlin-Schöneberg

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